November 8th, 2006 by Clark Humphrey

…many songs to play this morning if (1) I had a “podcast,” and (2) I wouldn’t be threatened with lawsuits if I played major-label music on it. But my mind keeps tracking back to Elvis Costello’s “Motel Matches,” for the line: “And you know what I’ll do/When the light outside changes from red to blue…”

Locally, almost everyone and everything I supported won. Sen. Cantwell sailed to re-election. The drives to trash land-use planning and the estate tax fell. Lap dances are legal again. County transit improvements and state incentives for renewable-energy development won. The Legislature’s even more solidly Dem.

WashState’s two big “Netroots Endorsed” Congressional candidates, Darcy Burner and Peter Goldmark, came in close but are currently behind. But they put up a good fight, and in doing so helped progressive candidates throughout the state.

Across the nation, the Dems are on the verge of controlling the Senate and took commanding control of the House. Not a single Dem Congressional incumbent lost. South Dakota’s proposed abortion ban went down.

Long and short commentaries about all of this can be found at Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, My DD, Talking Points Memo, Atrios, Hullabaloo, Horse’s Ass, Evergreen Politics, Blather Watch, and countless other places.

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