February 7th, 2007 by Clark Humphrey

…to the opening-night schmoozefest at the Twist bar for Friends of Seattle, a political group devoted to all the progressive things all good progressive Seattleites like myself tend to like–parks, public transit, affordable middle-class housing, good schools, fewer cars, livable-wage jobs, environmental sustainability.

(Side note: In keeping with longstanding progressive Seattle priorities, the group’s manifestos mention nothing about ethnic minorities or poverty.)

The group’s concept seems simple enough: Declare an agenda. Round up perky, fun-lovin’ grownups. Get ’em to ring doorbells, make phone calls, and show up at meetings. Make everything lively, entertaining, and engaging.

As a good li’l Seattle progressive, I’m easily in FoS’s target market.

As a stubborn skeptic, I want to wait to see how it develops before I go all gaga about it all.

FoS’s first prime issue is that nearly-decade-long impasse of a passageway, the dreaded Alaskan Way Viaduct.

As I’ve written at the start of this whole long, slow dispute, I happen to like the Viaduct.

However, I’m ready to admit it may not be cost-effective to make the thing more earthquake-resistant.

And if the thing must go, let’s not spend another near-decade and umpteen billions on a tunnel road or another raised road. Instead, let’s spend those bucks on more transit, and give an EZ-access surface road to the truckers who need one.

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