November 15th, 2011 by Clark Humphrey

On Saturday, Occupy Seattle folks disrupted a pro-Occupy Wall Street panel discussion at Town Hall, using the “people’s mic” tactic to prevent just about anything from happening.

On Tuesday, Occupiers blocked the intersection of Fifth and Pine. The expected police response was nasty.

Question: Is this about making a spectacle, about disruption for disruption’s sake? Or is it about something beyond our own selves?

Additional question: Is the job of a police department to maintain order at the cost of violently intensifying the disorder?

One Response  
  • Chuck Mathias writes:
    November 18th, 20113:18 pmat

    Amen to all that, brother. But where the hell DO we go from here? Sure, the Tea Baggers took control of the GOP in no time flat, and the ideal would be for the Occupiers to do the same with the Dems. But the GOP was already only the teensiest bit less nutty then the Baggers; for the inmates to take over that particular asylum was a cakewalk–especially with the backing and guidance of a few extremely well-connected billionaires.

    Not only are the Occupiers lacking in the disciplined, get-er-done mindset of their counterparts on the right, I suspect even if they did get their act together, they’d encounter plenty of resistance from a Democratic Party that’s almost as corrupted by corporate money as the GOP.

    And we all know how third parties fare in this country… I lift mine eyes to the hills and have a hell of a hard time seeing a savior.

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