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A local jazz legend’s legacy; soccer star Megan Rapinoe takes no BS; NYT finds counterfeit-book sellers on Amazon; can local youth homelessness really be ended?
Grounded 737s are being stored wherever they can go; Apple will occupy the old KING-TV block; baristas stage a labor walkout; replacing food banks with ‘community pantries.’
Lots more oil tankers are bound for the Sound; hate crimes outside a Renton church; more Meinert/Mecca reaction; would you trust your financial privacy to Facebook?
David Meinert to buy the Mecca Cafe; local co. to buy Sports Illustrated; onetime immigrant-detention advocate’s in town; Amazon talks back to more critics.
Thoughts on the Viaduct’s demise by an artist said demise will likely indirectly displace; a wedding at the ICE jail; state Dems propose an ‘extraordinary profits’ tax; remember when Apple was an ‘underdog’ company?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to break up Amazon and other tech giants; a ‘YouTube celebrity’ causes mass mall mayhem; ex-students loot the Art Institute; another 737 Max 8 has crashed.
Neighbours dance club’s building sold; Bruce Harrell to leave the City Council; Inslee wants public-option health care; Mounties trash BC pipeline blockades.
Remembering all the orcas caught for display in private aquaria; Inslee’s new budget (and tax) plan; Amazon wants to put a spy-cam on your doorbell; Dave Reichert’s a GOP suck-up to the end.
One of Seattle’s (and the world’s) most prominent people passes. Also: KeyArena razing starts; more deliberate far-right violence; dams vs. orcas.
Sonics nostalgia on display; more national political nightmares; towns where Amazon’s good for physical retailers.
Mr. ‘Claymation’ dies; who cares about the NBA anymore?; Viaduct razing will be fast and loud; recalling the ‘Infamous Kitsap Ferry Riot’.
Still more public-works budgets busted; Seattle and the ‘dream of the ’90s’; the cost of Sawant’s city-printed rally posters; a new apt. complex in the wrong colors.
Anti-head-tax campaign begins with big funding; kayakers vs. pipeline redux; Susan Hutchison redux; Seattle’s not immune to hate-talk after all.
A strange sight in Elliott Bay; should tech titans be split up?; a new angle to the 4Culture clash; solar panels at an ex-coal mine.
Inside another dying Sears; Sherman Alexie’s apology and counter-claims; making the ‘green’ cannabis trade less white; Seattle’s past attempts at an NHL team.