July 6th, 2005 by Clark Humphrey

…is supposed to be the Next-Big-Cyberthing, if you believe what you read in the papers. Never one to let a passing fad go by untended to, here’s a whole batch of phun-photo phabulousness.

We begin with the traditional Fourth of July blowin’-stuff-up celebrations, which in this town included lighting the decorative columns of Qwest Field in what looked more like the French tricolors.

The previous weekend saw the perhaps-last Broadway edition of the Gay Pride parade. I’ve got more to say about that this week in the Capitol Hill Times.

The weekend before that, the Fremont Solstice Parade attracted even more naked and body-painted bicyclists than ever before.

What was missing were the political-protest conceptual art pieces that had highlighted the parade during the previous few years. It was as if Seattle’s lefty-art community had collectively given up.

One protest that made the parade: An body-modification troupe got to silently complain that the parade hadn’t let them put on an extreme piercing-and-suspension act.

Then there was this charming exhibit of hedonism, in which bar customers got to swallow shots of alcohol from a block of ice.

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