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Seattle’s about halfway through an ambitious timeline to somehow end homelessness. As you may have guessed, the scheme’s nowhere near its lofty goals.
Actually, part of the problem has always been a lack of lofty goals. The plan’s title implies the end of homelessness was a goal, and that would be lofty enough for me. But in fact ending homelessness has NEVER been a goal of the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness. The plan was always only to reduce “chronic” homelessness by means of housing intended to match 2004 needs, while writing “ending homelessness” on the front page of the plan, and putting it prominently on all press releases. Even if all the housing planned to be created had been in place in 2005 and filled overnight, it would have only cut King County homelessness then by a third assuming the most conservative estimates of the housing need, and that’s counting emergency shelters as housing. Because they also never planned to RETAIN existing affordable housing, or even keep track of its loss in order to some day compensate for it, the housing that will eventually be created in accordance with the plan will only replace a fraction of the housing that has since been lost, and we are on schedule to have more people homeless in 2014 than we had in 2004.
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