July 14th, 2011 by Clark Humphrey

street food vendor, 1930s, singapore; from the-inncrowd.com

street food vendor, 1930s, singapore; from the-inncrowd.com

  • More kinds of yummy street food could soon come to Seattle, as a deregulation proposal makes its way to the full city council.
  • Also, the city’s asking the state Liquor Board for the authority to let some Seattle bars stay open after 2 a.m.
  • Those toll-happy state bureaucrats are thinking about charging for the I-5 express lanes.
  • Playboy has a natty profile of fast rising music/comedy/performance-art star Reggie Watts. Unlike New York mag’s Watts profile from last year, this piece gives full credit to his long formative years in the Seattle music scene.
  • Lynnwood motorist sees ducks crossing the freeway, slows down. Semi driver behind said motorist doesn’t see ducks, doesn’t slow down.
  • Hanford could become America’s newest, glow-in-the-darkiest national park.
  • In nanny-state news, some doctor in Boston said obese children should be taken away from their parents.
  • Clever Brit engineers have devised a $25 computer (basically a memory stick with a cheap little CPU attached; no screen or keyboard included) that schools could just give out to kids.
  • Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell does turn out to have a larger agenda behind his offer to say “uncle” for now on the debt ceiling nonsense. He wants to bring back the “balanced budget amendment,” one of those recurring ideas that sounds hot on right-wing talk radio but doesn’t work in real life. The amendment McConnell wants would impose the same budgetary rules on the federal government that have already made California ungovernable.
  • Those right-wing governors and state legislators around the country—how, you may wonder, do they simultaneously introduce the same brutal anti-labor, anti-women, anti-middle-class, anti-voter legislation? A lot of it comes from the same right wing think tank. And yep, the Koch brothers are in on it, big.
  • American progressive pundits still seek a connection between the News of the World phone hacking scandal and Rupert Murdoch’s US media operations. Until they find one, let’s remember that the London-based NOTW aggressively spied on plenty of Hollywood movie stars. Its targets included actors working for Murdoch’s 20th Century-Fox—and even the Murdoch family’s celebrity friends.
  • As he has a few times in the past, Jean-Luc Godard has again declared that “film is over.”

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