August 24th, 2011 by Clark Humphrey

  • Seattle still doesn’t have its fully deserved NBA team back, or any fully formed plan to bring it back. But the promoters of a new LA pseudo-sport, “lingerie basketball,” say this will be one of the first places they hope to expand to. From first glance at this operation, the Storm has nothing to worry about.
  • Seattle was named America’s #1 tech city, by a highly unscientific (hence less than geek-trusted) survey.
  • Who loves (with their bucks) this year’s state liquor privatization measure? Costco (who started it) and Trader Joe’s. Who’s against it? Beer and wine distributors, who’d rather not see Costco gain the power edge them out of wholesaling. On the sidelines so far: Safeway, Kroger (owner of QFC and Fred Meyer), Supervalu (Albertsons).
  • It’s smaller than the Gorge but at least as spectacular. It’s the new ampitheater at Mt. St. Helens.
  • Intiman Theatre might come back from the grave. Just might, mind you.
  • The US Dept. of Transportation has formally approved the deeply boring tunnel to replace the lovely, doomed Viaduct.
  • Could JPMorgan Chase engulf and devour Bank of America like it did Washington Mutual?
  • Network TV has fewer women in it this year, on either side of the camera.
  • A Tea Party regional boss in South Carolina put up a “joke” on her Facebook page, about how cool it would be if Obama were assassinated. She’s now made her Facebook page private.
  • Today’s “Google doodle” logo illustration is all about Jorge Luis Borges, the Argentinian author born 112 years ago today. Yeah, that’s a strange un-round number of an anniversary. But then, oddities, conundrums, things that didn’t seem to make nice round sense were found all over Borges’ stories. (He didn’t write novels, though some of his short stories were about novels in a meta, recursive way.)
  • Author Simon Reynolds says enough-already to the 20th anniversary of Nirvana’s Nevermind. Grunge nostalgia, he feels, is worse than pop eating itself:

…The more that the present is taken up with reunion tours, re-enactments, and contemporary revivalist groups umbilically bound by ties of reference and deference to rock’s glory days, the smaller the chances are that history will be made today.

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