- At Friday’s Park(ing) Day display at the Seattle Art Museum, a videographer from a Chinese-language cable access show tapes an interview using a Flip-like digital video cam, a mini spotlight, and a small Steadicam-like camera stabilizer.
- Former P-I book critic John Marshall is still unemployed, and writes for the Atlantic about receiving his final unemployment check.
- The Jo-Ann Fabric store in Olympia has a Halloween crafts section. It recently had a bat in it. A real bat. With rabies.
- A survey co-sponsored by Microsoft’s MSN.com named Seattle North America’s sixth worst-dressed city. Vancouver was #3; the top spot went to Orlando.
- Seahawks fans this Sunday will not only face a formidable opponent on the field (the dreaded Steelers) but also extreme frisking.
- Another gay/lesbian event, another would-be censorious program printer.
- Pierce County: Now with 35 percent less transit.
- Netflix: Now with higher prices and 1 million fewer customers.
- The corruption investigation against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his inner circle turns out to have begun with comments to blog posts.
- Why didn’t anyone tell me there’s a Barbie Video Girl doll with “a video camera embedded in her chest”? You could use it to reenact the cult film Double Agent 73!
(Remember, my big book shindig is one week from today (Sept. 24). See the top of this page for all pertinent details.)