September 19th, 2011 by Clark Humphrey

no, not *that* ziggy.

  • RIP: Ziggy comic creator Tom Wilson Sr. (Wilson Jr.’s been drawing the panel for several years now.)
  • The Nirvana Nevermind 20th anniversary concert occurs tonight at EMP. It sold out the hour it was announced. But you can still experience the show (a benefit for longtime Seattle music figure Susie Tennant’s cancer treatments). The whole thing will be streamed live online, at 10 p.m.
  • The Seattle Storm won’t repeat as WNBA champs, having been knocked out in the first playoff round.
  • The owners of the old Twin Peaks sawmill are accused of causing flooding in the town of Snoqualmie, by putting fill dirt on part of the site, thus interfering with drainage.
  • The anarchist storefront meeting hall and music club has closed. As would be expected, its operators blamed the cops and “rich, whiny” neighbors.
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell’s re-election theme: She’s stood up to Wall Street more than Obama’s done so far.
  • Greg Nickels threatens to run for mayor again.
  • Now being test-marketed at Costco stores (though not at any around here): wedding dresses.
  • PETA now wants to get rid of fishing, at least fishing with hooks.
  • Criminals have a new way to learn how to break into businesses—by breaking into their WiFi networks first.
  • There’s a “Moving Planet Seattle” rally at Lake Union Park this Saturday. People are converging there from all over town, using any means of locomotion other than fossil-fuel motors. And when you’re done celebrating foot power there, you can head over to Capitol Hill for another celebration of foot power….

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