October 4th, 2011 by Clark Humphrey

denny hall, the uw campus's oldest building

  • We’ve always known the Univ. of Washington has one of America’s most beautiful campuses. Now it’s finally getting national recognition in that regard.
  • Meanwhile, the UW is participating in a research study into drunk Facebook photos.
  • Mayor McGinn says he admires the spirit behind the Occupy Seattle folks, but still orders them to remove their tents from Westlake Plaza or risk getting arrested. Protesters say they’ll take the risk.
  • The American Planning Association calls Tacoma’s Point Defiance Park one of America’s “great public spaces.” As the old bumper sticker says, “Admit It, Tacoma. You’re Beautiful.”
  • NYTimes.com’s automated ad placement bots placed an ad for Starbucks’ Italian Roast above an article about you-know-who.
  • Starbucks boss Howard Schultz’s next idea to save the economy: donation boxes in the stores, where customers can contribute to community development groups. They’d use the cash to help small businesses create jobs. Of course, if Schultz really wanted to help jump-start the economy at the personal level, he could pay his own baristas a living wage….
  • The message from the Gates Foundation, the City of Seattle, and others: Don’t be no fool, stay in school.
  • The Zune, Microsoft’s would-be iPod killer, is dead.
  • Layoffs hit another supposedly recession-proof industry, nuclear-waste cleanup.
  • A cause of death I, for one, hadn’t heard of—”detergent suicide.”
  • Lee Fang believes the Occupy Wall Street protests “embody the values of the real Boston Tea Party.”
  • Paul Krugman analyzes big bankers’ testimony in a Congressional hearing about the financial crisis. He sees the bankers claiming to be clueless, as an alternative to admitting to be evil.
  • Obama’s finally speaking out against GOP state legislatures’ spate of anti-voting laws.
  • The Fox broadcast network is threatening to cancel The Simpsons unless its voice actors accept a 45 percent pay cut.
  • And now for fun, here are some fun Mexican movie-theater lobby cards.

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