October 10th, 2011 by Clark Humphrey


  • Another nifty book, another nifty book event. This one’s on Thursday, in gallant Greenwood.
  • While the “SLUT”-branding skeptics weren’t looking, the south Lake Union trolley has become quite popular, even standing-room-only at commute hours. That’s one reason why the McGinn administration has a desire named streetcar.
  • Occupy Seattle’s getting really popular. Except with the cops, natch. But Mike McGinn, who’d previously asked the demonstrators to quietly move to some less conspicuous place, came out and spoke in support of their cause.
  • Three hundred more people may be living on the streets as of Tuesday, as the SHARE/WHEEL homeless shelters run out of funding.
  • Will the long-stalled development project informally known as the West Seattle Hole finally be built?
  • The AP asks whether iTunes saved the music business. Not asked: did the music business deserve to be saved?
  • Koch Industries’ record is full of bribery, dirty dealing, and the regular flouting of environmental rules. Yet these guys expect us to let them take over the entire U.S. political process.
  • You’d expect Bill McKibben to endorse Occupy _____. You might not have expected the NY Times to like it.
  • Some guy named David Leonhardt says America actually had more reasons to be hopeful during the Great Depression than it’s got today.
  • As a nearly lifelong Led Zeppelin disliker, I found enjoyment in a video short chronicling the band’s many uncredited ripoffs of R&B pioneers.
  • It couldn’t happen to a not-nicer guy: Commissioner David Stern has canceled the first two weeks of the NBA season.

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