January 30th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey

  • Forget the old standards of celebrity. What really matters is how often somebody’s name appears in crossword puzzles!
  • Update: Americans for Prosperity Washington didn’t even get a wrist-slap from the state Public Disclosure Commission. As we mentioned previously, the Koch brothers-affiliated outfit spent a bunch of money running attack ads against Dem legislators. They then tried to skirt PDC rules about identifying its funding and sources, by claiming it was just doing a “grassroots” “voter education” drive.
  • Will the last prof to leave the UW please turn out the lights?
  • Those lovely small private planes that brighten our skies also help to pollute ’em. They’re the last vehicles still fueled by leaded gas.
  • The former BMW Seattle dealership complex, a huge swath of prime Pike/Pine real estate, is at risk for foreclosure.
  • Intiman Theater: Is it a goner for good, or will it rise from the dead (like approximately 90 Shakespeare characters)?
  • The newest indie music label business model, via Vancouver: no CDs. Just downloads and vinyl.
  • Weird-research-study story of the day: If you believe a report from an obscure Canadian university’s psych department, “low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies.”
  • First lesson in “unleashing the power of introverts“: Don’t make ’em press the flesh to promote their own books.
  • Political figures in India would really like all the Internet companies in the world to pre-censor everything on the web.
  • For a guy who wants to deny horrible things put in print under his name, Ron Paul sure has a lot of close mega-racist pals.
  • A Spanish judge wants to prosecute some of the worst surviving criminals-against-humanity from the Franco dictatorship days. So far, the only person being prosecuted is him.
  • The founder of Foxconn, that group of Chinese factories where a helluva lot of the world’s consumer electronic goods are made, spoke at a fundraiser for the Taipei Zoo. He reportedly “joked” about his company’s workforce as “one million animals.”

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