March 31st, 2012 by Clark Humphrey

  • Can the lovely deco Harborview Hall be saved after all?
  • Ex-Seattle Times arts writer Terry Tazioli and still-Seattle Times arts writer Mary Ann Gwinn have a new author-interview show on KBTC (the Tacoma PBS affiliate) and TVW (the state-owned cable channel). However, Gwinn errs in the hereby linked piece when she calls TVW a “public access” channel. Ordinary members of the viewing public cannot make their own shows and put them on TVW (the real definition of “public access”).
  • KEXP’s Rachel Ratner has some fond words toward the now-threatened Funhouse punk bar.
  • One big union of all the actors! And just in time for the return of filmmaker tax breaks in Wash. state.
  • Keith Olbermann has quit and/or was fired again. This time it’s from the one channel that would give him a long-term home to do almost whatever he pleased. It was one thing to have his wrathful temper attacking the sleazemongers of the Bush era and their remnants. But he apparently maintained that same unrelenting ire toward his own coworkers; never good.
  • In honor of the Wisc. recall election against sleazemonger Scott Walker going forward, let’s listen to the GOOD Scott Walker.

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