April 12th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey

Some recent developments in the Apple/Amazon/big book publishers/Justice Dept. rumble:

  • Carl Franzen at TMP believes Apple and the two remaining publishers in the suit still have a chance of prevailing, and preserving their “agency model” e-book pricing system.
  • PaidContent.org has a debate on the issue with two of the site’s staffers. Mathew Ingram supports Amazon’s price discounting as good for the reading public, and believes the publishers’ legal arguments are untenable. Laura Hazard Owen defends the publishers as standing to preserve competition.
  • Matthew Yglesias at Slate begins by defending the publishers’ stance, but then goes on to say they’ll still have to start adapting to the new market conditions and soon.
  • At the same site, Farhad Manjoo offers a brash statement some of you may liken to denouncing mom and apple pie. Manjoo trashes independent bookstores! He calls them “some of the least efficient, least user-friendly, and most mistakenly mythologized local establishments you can find” and “cultish, moldering institutions.” Yep, the piece has gotten a lot of comments (over 1,500 last I looked).

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