April 30th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey

irwin allen's 'the time tunnel' (1966), via scaryfilm.blogspot.com

  • If a Seattle attorney was really involved in government time travel experiments when he was a boy, like he claims, why couldn’t he have brought back the lost episodes of the original Doctor Who?
  • Zillow.com predicts local housing prices will continue to fall for another year before they “hit bottom.”
  • The Seattle Times has a where-are-they-now piece about the former 619 Western studio artists.
  • Spokane would really like to keep its biggest employer, Fairchild AFB.
  • Marketing-trends analyst Faith Popcorn insists the economy would be a lot better off today if the big Wall Street firms had more women in power roles.
  • Koo Stark update: Prince Andrew’s actress ex-girlfriend is using the Rupert Murdoch organization in a U.S. court over phone tapping. (Her complaint is still about Murdoch’s U.K. papers, not his stateside operations.)
  • Kashi cereal eaters were shocked to learn (1) the soy in Kashi’s products uses Monsanto seeds, and (2) Kashi’s really owned by Kellogg’s.
  • The Great Vinyl Comeback isn’t just for indie pop anymore. Classical artists are now getting in on it.
  • Nick Harkaway at the Guardian sees Amazon and the other big e-book sellers as “the new gatekeepers,” steering consumers toward select choices rising from the “rabble.”
  • In terms of paying as little in taxes as legally possible, Apple turns out to be just like any other big company.
  • Longtime online analyst Dave Winer suggests there’s another Internet bubble going on, involving social-media and content-based sites. Winer says those sites’ funders are…

…building businesses whose only way of making money will be through advertising. Are there as many different ways to slice things as all the startups, collectively, would have you believe? And when they’re done, what will happen to them?

  • Lindy West’s recent putdown of “hipster racism” reminded Channing Kennedy at the Colorlines site of a similar rant, given in 1979 by the late great rock critic Lester Bangs.
  • Alas, we’re not really going to be rid of Newt Gingrich; only of his Presidential campaign.
  • Noted author E.L. Doctorow traces how 12 years of right-wing power grabbing has left America an “unexceptional” nation.

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