August 12th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey


Democrats are campaigning with a swagger, having fun. They know they’ve got the advantage.… We need to embrace reality and shove reality down the GOP’s throats. Because yeah, we are ahead, objectively so. We’re winning and we’ve got to own it. They can whine about biased polls and biased media and biased everything that doesn’t conform to their little Fox News bubble world, all the while we do the work necessary to seal the deal.

  • Meanwhile: “Decline of good jobs linked to workers’ decreased bargaining power.”
  • Meanwhile, meanwhile: Kudos to Jon Talton for getting the phrase “depredations of the plutocrats” into the Seattle Times.
  • Wash. Post pundit Aaron Blake feels GOP deliberate distortions and misquotes of Obama constitute exemplar horse-race style campaiging. Jay Rosen feels, well, differently.
  • Harvard’s Steven Strauss explains why the 21st century was supposed to bring us techno-utopia but instead meagerly spits forth gimmicky social-media sites promoted as “revolutions.” In such an environment of “incremental innovations,” Strauss adds, corporate bureaucrats will be more valued than hotshot entrepreneurs.
  • Mississippi has a county where school kids who get in even minor trouble are automatically sent to prison.
  • A Las Vegas Denny’s is going to feature its own in-house wedding chapel. “With this onion ring….”
  • Port of Seattle officials were for (or at least indifferent toward) the Sonics arena scheme before they were against it.
  • One of the West Seattle Water Taxi boats caught on fire.
  • An ex-UW pediatrics prof is accused of waterboarding his own daughter.
  • Google’s making it harder to search for free downloads of copyrighted media. Finally: a market advantage for other search engines.
  • Austrian archeologists, rummaging through an ancient castle, found some 15th-century vintage bras. No, they weren’t worn by (insert name of over-40 female celebrity here).
  • I disagree with the Sight & Sound magazine poll putting Vertigo atop the greatest films of all time. But I understand why the poll’s “programmers, academics, and distributors” would pick it. Vertigo is eminently open to academic interpretation. It’s full of “meta” themes about identity and illusion; all within the context of a big-budget Hollywood thriller in luscious Technicolor and VistaVision (Paramount’s sideways-film process, a precursor to IMAX).

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