August 30th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey

  • Bic thought it would be a great marketing coup to come out with a ball point pen “For Her.” (The package says, “Easy Glide: Feel the smoothness.” The Amazon snark-comments begin in 3… 2…
  • Sony will sell home TVs with the same ultra-high-def resolution as the top digital cinema projectors. Why, tell me again, are we expected to still go to theaters?
  • “Hipster” bashing is officially passé, now that it’s being used to sell Toyotas.
  • Just as the political right seems to be collapsing into a black hole of hardcore hate, Fisher Broadcasting decides to bring right-wing talk back to KVI.
  • If you really need more anti-Republican ranting (the proverbial fish in the proverbial barrell, shot with the proverbial smoking gun), there’s some here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

2 Responses  
  • Art Marriott writes:
    August 31st, 201212:53 pmat

    Re: KVI. Although John Carlson is actually often fun to listen to (and at least has a sense of humor) and Fisher will probably get more mileage out of political talk than the other format at least until November, there’s another, more important question raised here: What, if anything at all, is AM, or perhaps any sort of terrestrial radio, really good for anymore?

  • KerikM writes:
    September 1st, 20124:51 pmat

    For the last 34 years, Classic KING FM has brought scads of good stuff to my attention, causing me to keep the LP and later CD industry healthy.
    Other radio stations have at times served the vital function of telling me that yes, that was an earthquake, but now there’s a website I go to for that.
    Agreed on the ridiculousness of “for women” this and that.

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