September 2nd, 2012 by Clark Humphrey

  • Clint Eastwood’s invisible-Obama-in-a-chair stunt took place during the 60th anniversary week of Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison’s allegorical novel about the black struggle in the face of social “invisibility.”
  • Robert Reich’s message for an election-year Labor Day: “It’s the inequality, stupid.”
  • Romney’s “533 lies in 30 weeks:” Now THAT’s an achievement!
  • One of our favorite watering holes and DJ clubs, Olive Way’s The Living Room, is no longer living.
  • There’s a “Seattle” restaurant (really on Bainbridge) with a most un-NorWestern strict reservations policy.
  • The anti-gay-marriage campaign is engaging in potentially illegal fundraising solicitations toward area churches.
  • An abandoned Ballard church that became an art gallery briefly in 2009 is now set to be razed for townhomes.
  • The author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull almost got his own wings when his small plane crashed in the San Juans.
  • An outfit that ran some of those big motivational seminars (that were really fronts for selling questionable investment schemes) has collapsed.
  • Faye Anderson, 1950-2012: The owner of the New Orleans restaurant/bar in Pioneer Square hosted, and supported, jazz and other musics for more than a quarter century. Whether the club will survive is for her heirs to announce, and they haven’t yet.
  • Hal David, 1921-2012: The acclaimed lyricist was already pushing 40 when he first teamed up with composer Burt Bacharach. For 14 years they (with singer Dionne Warwick as their mouthpiece) were an unstoppable team, with David’s deceptively simple wordplay leading listeners through Bacharach’s often complicated melodies, until the musical version of Lost Horizon blew up in their faces. What the world needs now is more expressive minds like him (and love, of course).
  • As all good NorWesterners know, it doesn’t really rain here more than other parts of the U.S. Especially not in the past 42 days (and 42 nights).

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