October 4th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey

via imdb

It’s 10/4, good buddy!

  • T-Mobile merges with Metro PCS, avoids local layoffs, remains out of AT&T’s and Sprint’s clutches (for now).
  • George Lakey explains how left-O-center folks have to get back on the offensive, and in the process get over “class tunnel vision.”
  • The memoir of a former undercover teen booze buyer for the Liquor Board.
  • The MTV website still discusses pop music, even though the MTV cable channels have abandoned it. And the site now proclaims that “Seattle Is the New Seattle.”
  • The compact disc officially turns 30 this month. The first discs and players appeared in Japan in October 1982, but didn’t show up here until the next year. From that start, it took the CD only seven years to completely eradicate vinyl from mass-market music sales. Now the CD itself, and the whole industry of selling music recorded onto physical objects, is threatened with extinction. There’s a strong underground of vinyl-record advocates these days, but who will rise to defend the CD?
  • We don’t have to cringe at the Mariners for another six months (not counting spring training games).

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