December 14th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey


  • After years of redevelopment-related doom staring it in the face, Capitol Hill’s beloved B&O Espresso and Bistro finally closed last week. B&O will live on, however, in a soon-to-open Ballard location, and might return within the new mixed use structure to be built on the old site. Word is another Hill coffee institution, the Bauhaus, might also resurface in Ballard.
  • The pairing of Paul McCartney with the remnants of Nirvana turned out to be an original composition, which was not all that bad. Overall, though, that all-star (and mostly old-star) benefit for Hurricane Sandy victims could have had a little more variety on stage, such as even one woman.
  • Some dude at Buzzfeed put up a supposedly shocking exposé of local web comix king Matthew (The Oatmeal) Inman. Once you take out the stuff that’s either exaggerated or based on a fake online profile made by somebody else, you’re left with the hardly reputation-killing facts that Inman is thinner and more athletic than the alter-ego character in his strip, and that he once had a day job in “search engine optimization” (the pseudo-science of gaming Google’s page rankings).
  • A few select Seattle neighborhoods are getting ultra-speed home Internet service some time next year.
  • Stupid Republican Tricks, WaState style: Another state Senate “coup” is in the works with two turncoat Democrats’ collusion.
  • Are sales of e-book machines really falling victim to tablet-mania, or is this just another overhyped “trend”?
  • You know you want to read every fake newspaper headline that appeared in the first 16 seasons of The Simpsons.
  • Gawker lists 22 “terrible things that must end in 2013.” Among them: “twee framed sayings,” “fake Twitter accounts,” and “the word ‘swag.'”
  • Feminist pranksters in Baltimore made a clever send-up of a Victoria’s Secret panty ad, complete with “No Means No” slogans.
  • Urban Outfitters “buys yard sale clothes in bulk and resells them to hipsters as ‘vintage.'”
  • Dan Mascai at Fast Company really hates silly media stereotypes about his own “millennial generation.”
  • Another venerable mag leaving print behind for an online-only future: The Sporting News, the “bible of baseball.” While it expanded its coverage into the other big U.S. team sports, its prime asset is its record of every major and minor league baseball game ever played in the U.S. and Canada. That alone is an ongoing endeavor worth keeping alive somehow.

4 Responses  
  • Jake Jaramillo writes:
    December 19th, 20129:06 amat

    Hi Clark, my wife and I volunteer for the local pedestrian advocacy nonprofit FeetFirst, and I thought you might be interested in their volunteer Walk Ambassador program. Walk Ambassadors lead walks of their choice in Seattle neighborhoods, and who knows, it may be an avenue to sell/publicize your excellent “Walking Seattle” book. We just published our own book “Seattle Stairway Walks” and plan to make it available for sale on our walks, which will cover the routes in our book.

    Here’s the url for their Walking Ambassador page, in case you’re interested:

  • Angiportus writes:
    December 23rd, 20126:26 amat

    There hasn’t been anything new on here in a long time. Are you all right?
    I hope that the recent tragedies haven’t hit you directly (i.e., anyone you know), and that soon you will have more goodies for us. Thanks for the link about building stone the other month. I didn’t know about the age of the Morton Gneiss–and then, there it was under my feet in the bus tunnel [Westlake Station.]
    Have some good holidays!

  • Clark Humphrey writes:
    December 26th, 201212:43 pmat

    Just the ol’ clinical depression acting up again. Nothing else. Well, a toothache that went away by itself.

  • Clark Humphrey writes:
    December 26th, 201212:43 pmat

    But thanx for thinking of lil ol me.

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