February 1st, 2013 by Clark Humphrey

via imcdb.org

  • What was that car in that movie? There’s an online database for that.
  • As we patiently await the NBA owners’ vote that will likely bring back the Sonics, there’s word of a hockey team that may be in need of a buyer and/or new home. Seattle, alas, doesn’t have an NHL-ready space. The hockey configuration of KeyArena is too small and awkward. Until a new arena’s built, the closest thing we’ve got is the Tacoma Dome, whose ice-making gear was removed and would need replacing.
  • City Councilmember Jean Godden vividly explains why we cannot, dare not, return to the bad old days before legal abortion.
  • A homeless camp in Bremerton was shut down after five years.
  • Charles Mudede finds sublime meaning in Macklemore’s “Thrift Store” rap.
  • KOMO has kind words for Jet City Stream, the new all-local online radio station.
  • The recently-deceased dad of local music-scene vet Ben London was an innovative avant-garde composer.
  • One of those online coupon dot-coms doubled its sales and still lost over half a billion.
  • The return of vinyl has inevitably led into the return of cassette-only music releases and evrn cassette-only labels.
  • Zoe Triska at Huff Post really hates classic novels with inappropriate, “commercial” covers tacked on, especially when they’re aimed at teen girls:

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