daily mail
- What’s creepier than plastic sex dolls? Watching them being assembled.
- Bauhaus Coffee, whose lovely East Pine Street building’s doomed for redevelopment, will stay on Capitol Hill for at least two more years at an as-yet undisclosed spot.
- A Forbes staff writer (not one of the mag’s online-only “contributors”) places Seattle at the top of the heap in the category of “America’s Most Miserable Sports Cities.”
- Could this year’s Seattle Hempfest be the last? (One can only hope.)
- SST Records boss Greg Ginn, Black Flag’s original lead guitarist, claims to own the Black Flag name, and is suing his ex-bandmates who are touring as “Flag.” Ginn, as you may have heard, also has his own Black Flag “reunion” tour underway. Ginn’s also suing Black Flag’s most famous ex-member, Henry Rollins, even though Rollins isn’t in either “reunion” venture.
- A male singer-songwriter offers a “feminist” anthem. Spin.com convenes a panel of biological females to diss it.
- Book-review bloggers who give “soft,” all-positive notices to bad self-published books aren’t doing a favor to anyone, including the authors.
- Thirty-three years after the cheesy docudrama movie, folks are still searching for “historic Jesus.”
- Right-wing “homeschool” history books would be hilarious if real kids weren’t being indoctrinated with them.
- Paul Krugman comes right out n’ says it:
…(T)he madness of the GOP is the central issue of our time.