August 6th, 2013 by Clark Humphrey

via adweek

  • Insurance companies should not change their logos often, if ever. The branding “mystique” for insurance ought to be about stability, reassurance. Well, one company had the dumb idea to “modernize” its identity. Yep, it sucks.
  • The owners of Greenwood’s Couth Buzzard bookstore (where I had a lovely book presentation in ’11) have created an ongoing art and music project in memory of their daughter, who died from cancer at age 18.
  • The NY Times picked up the story of the local woman who wrote her own, lovely, Seattle Times paid obit.
  • The feud between Geoff Tate and the other original members of Queensryche: it’s gettin’ brutal. And not in a fun “shredding” sort of way.
  • Seattle Weekly’s got a keen piece about graffiti artists in the abandoned Fisher flour mill.
  • Folks in this state drink less beer than folks in most any other state.
  • Here’s how the Sounders got Clint “Don’t Call Me Patrick” Dempsey.
  • Sorry, Capt. Kirk: Teleportation is scientifically impossible, at least with living human subjects. The brain is just too complex to be instantly copied and re-built.
  • Meanwhile, the next star of Doctor Who is 55, the same age First Doctor William Hartnell was at the show’s start a half century ago.
  • A Miss Utah contestant was charged with throwing firebombs from a car.
  • 24/7 Wall St. lists once-mighty restaurant chains that are either mostly or wholly disappeared.
  • Books that are under copyright but out of print become part of a “hole in our collective memory.”

One Response  
  • Art Marriott AKA "ArtFart" writes:
    August 6th, 201312:29 pmat

    Another one-time biggie in the fast-food business was Seattle-based Herfy’s, which suffered greatly in the 1970’s under the ownership of Campbell’s Soup. Quite likely the last establishment still using the Herfy’s brand, a modest little place in a strip mall behind the Bellevue Sears, was shuttered a couple months ago and recently reborn under a new name selling Indian fast food.

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