August 24th, 2013 by Clark Humphrey

art_es_anna at flickr via kplu

  • Cliff Mass debunks a major conspiracy-theory fave of fringe-lefties: There are no “chemtrails” spewing mind-control chemicals from airplanes.
  • More of our very own “Einstruzende Neubauten” (“collapsing new buildings”): The big 2200 Westlake complex, with the Whole Foods, a luxury hotel, and a couple of fancy condo towers, has to undergo major repairs for water damage.
  • Can the grafting-on of a prestigious baccalaureate program save the (mostly undeserved) reputation of Rainier Beach High School?
  • When more people make their own electricity from solar, wind, etc., how will the various entities committed to maintaining the “grid” afford to do so?
  • Beloit University’s annual “Mindset” list of pop-culture things modern college frosh have always or never known is a cheap publicity stunt. (That doesn’t make it any less fun.)
  • I never cared much for the music of Linda Ronstadt (too baby-boomer bland for my tastes). But it’s still dreadful to hear of her enforced retirement due to Parkinson’s.
  • Jessica Olien at Slate believes “social isolation kills more people than obesity does.”
  • Psychology Today claims the ladies love casual sex just as much as the gents, as long as they’re made to “feel safe.”
  • The FBI apparently once thought novelist William Vollman was the Unabomber. And the “anthrax mailer.” And a terrorist in training in Afghanistan.
  • Elmore Leonard, R.I.P.: The crime fiction master left behind, among other achievements, a stunning collection of first lines and a few words of advice to writers (“never open a book with weather”). (Meanwhile, ESPN basketball announcer Len Elmore is still with us.)

One Response  
  • Art Marriott AKA "ArtFart" writes:
    August 26th, 201312:22 pmat

    Assmuming that the various parties involved can find a way to cooperate a bit instead of fighting tooth and nail, there’s no reason the power grid can’t continue to operate and in fact, grow. There are some enterprises, including large recyling operations and data centers, that will continue to use far more energy than Old Sol beams at their roofs. Likewise, peoples’ homes in some areas will require a lot of energy to be habitable for at least part of the year (like in the upper Midwest in the dead of winter, or the southwestern deserts in mid-summer). With a little adjustment of their business models, power distributors could become more like brokers, redistributing whatever some users had in excess to those that needed it, a kilowatt-hour at a time. That’s what Enron claimed to set out to do in the first place. Whether they lost their way or were lying about their intentions from the beginning is open to conjecture.

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