October 15th, 2010 by Clark Humphrey

Many in Belltown are pleased to see the state’s shut down V Bar, site of one fatal shooting and several other violent closing-time confrontations this past year.

But many of us are saddened that Kelly’s Tavern, the neighborhood’s last true “sleazy dive bar,” has apparently closed for good. Its longtime owner has died, and her heirs reportedly don’t want to carry on.

One Response  
  • Peter A writes:
    October 24th, 20102:41 pmat

    I have a weak spot for old bars, so I was saddened to see Kelly’s shut down (though I could understand the very different feelings coming from friends who live nearby). I’m not sure what merits “sleazy,” but I think this leaves Joe’s on King St (formerly the Red Front) as Seattle’s diviest bar. If you believe that a true dive has diverse, crusty regulars with a minimum of hipsters, I can’t think of any serious challenger to Joe’s.

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