September 5th, 2011 by Clark Humphrey

  • At Grist.org, Claire Thompson looks wistfully at south Seattle’s prized yet delicate ethnic/religious/class diversity, and wonders how it can survive.
  • There was a big political science convention in town this past week. (An odd phrase, considering the number of politicians these days who officially hate regular ol’ science.) Anyhoo, Peter Steinbrueck spoke to the gathering about how this country needs more regional decision-making bodies to plan metro-wide futures.
  • The head of Belltown’s Matt Talbot Center, a Christian alcohol/drug recovery center, was arrested and is on suicide watch, for “investigation of attempted rape” of a 10 year old boy. Let’s spare the snark and focus on the tragedy for now.
  • The head of the Seattle police union apparently believes diversity, tolerance, and common human decency are somehow anti-American. This is not going to turn out well. In fact, it already hasn’t.
  • Don’t look for a lot more living wage jobs any time soon. At least not from corporate America.
  • Eric L. Wattree believes the nation’s #1 problem isn’t the economy (as putrid as it is), but “the Republican sabotage of America.”
  • Finally, here’s a brief peek at Nicholson Baker’s novel House of Holes; specifically at the orgasm sound-effect words and phrases therein.

One Response  
  • Art Marriott writes:
    September 6th, 201112:33 pmat


    The Seattle Times’ Sunday article shows that print journalism, creaky and doddering though it may be, can still sometimes stir things up more effectively than the blogosphere. Presumably the first of a series of articles scrutinizing the SPD and the Police Officers’ Guild, it calls to mind the crusade the same paper carried on a few years back against the then-powerful Weyerhaeuser (which, interestingly enough, is now a shadow of its former self) and let to Washington electing a much more capable and less corrupt Land Commissioner. Not that the paper is completely going it alone (it seems they waited until they were sure the US Department of Justice was on their side) but it’s good to see it happening anyway. This kind of reporting takes an organization with enough public prestige to survive possible counterattacks, and enough cash to fund considerable investigative work by a team of capable reporters.

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