March 29th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey


  • Arts consultant Colleen Dilenschneider believes museums need to stop depending on huge blockbuster shows and do more to build regular day-to-day audiences.
  • Sorry to say, but the Village Green Nursery in West Seattle isn’t out of the underwater-mortgage woods yet.
  • It took a year-long special investigation to determine that no, an instructional assistant at a Seattle elementary school did not kiss a student’s foot.
  • Sometimes whole swaths of the universe can coalesce at a single moment, such as a meeting on whether to allow a McDonald’s at Sea-Tac Airport.
  • Here are more pix of the new 520 bridge, images that are far prettier than the real thing will ever be.
  • And here’s a pic of the new Capitol Hill mixed-use project with live-theater spaces on the ground floor, an image far prettier than that real thing will ever be.
  • The bid to keep the NBA’s Kings in Sacramento (and hence out of Seattle) has hit a few snags; while a new developer has a new arena scheme, that would be built on land he doesn’t own and isn’t for sale.
  • State Sen. Val Stevens, tireless opponent of gay rights and corporate-lobbyist suckup extraordinaire, is retiring. Fun fact: Stevens used to be a director of ALEC, the infamous megabucks lobby group that supplies right-wing state legislators across the country with pre-written extremist legislation.
  • Syndrome of the day: Now you’re supposed to worry about yourself if you keep too many files on your computer.
  • Jim Hightower has more details about the right wing war against the Post Office.
  • James Silver at the Atlantic claims perhaps 1 in 10 Wall Street operatives is a “psychopath.”
  • The story of a movie song, and the need to acquire the right to its use, is a tale that meanders through Iran, France, Portugal, Florida, Connecticut, a leaking boat, and the cast of As the World Turns, until it stops with a retired female airline pilot.
  • We close with fun ’60s pop-star collage covers from 16 magazine.

via boingboing.net

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