January 9th, 2013 by Clark Humphrey

via jim linderman on tumblr

  • Dear Bellevue Police: People have sex. Sometimes the people who have sex are co-workers. Deal with it.
  • You missed the suddenly announced closing night at Cafe Venus and the Mars Bar. It’s been around at least 16 years (the space, in a lovely old Eastlake Ave. apartment building, was the Storeroom Tavern previously). It hosted countless bands. It was cooler than all get out. Its status has been in doubt, like the statuses of so many cool spaces, for several years now.
  • C.B. Hall at Crosscut reminds us that real “bus rapid transit” isn’t like Metro’s “RapidRide.” The real thing has its own lanes, for one thing.
  • The Seattle Times couldn’t possibly be buying Seattle Weekly. That makes about as much sense as HP buying Compaq (oh wait, that actually happened).
  • Shelby Scates, 1932-2013: It’s not just that we’re losing some of the great local journalists of our time, but that there’s no means to develop worthy successors.
  • A 2007 anti-Iraq-war protest at the Port of Tacoma led to six arrests. Now the case is finally going to court.
  • As the Legislative session nears, Brendan Williams at Publicola pleads for state Democrats to stop talking like diluted Republicans.
  • We’re Number Five! (In terms of lousy traffic.)
  • How did Vancouver’s economy do during the soon-to-end Hockey Lockout II? Not that badly.
  • Newsweek refugee Andrew Sullivan’s new site won’t have ads. P-I refugee Monika Guzman agrees with the strategy. Guzman claims online ads earn too little money these days, and many sites that try too hard to attract ad revenue turn into useless “click whores.” But the problem then becomes attracting enough readers who like you enough to support your site by other means (pledge drives, merch/book sales, etc.).
  • Hamilton Nolan at Gawker insists that real journalism means writing about someone(s) other than your own narcissistic self.
  • “Intercity bus and rail ridership up, as car and air travel remain flat.”
  • Folks luuuvvv those big online college courses. As long as they don’t have to pay for ’em.
  • Frank Schaeffer isn’t the first pundit to note the geographical coincidence between today’s “red states” and yesteryear’s “slave states.” Nor will be be the last.
  • In Iceland, like in France at one time, kids can only be named from names on an approved list. One 15-year-old girl is trying to fight that.
  • The college football post-season was mostly a dud. But here’s one “highlight.” It’s the weird one-point safety Kansas State committed after blocking an Oregon point-after-touchdown.

One Response  
  • ArtFart writes:
    January 10th, 201312:19 pmat

    I was originally of the impression that our RapidRide buses, like the ones in Los Angeles, were to be equipped with transponders to make red lights ahead of them turn green sooner and green lights stay that way until the bus had passed. I use the “B” Line in Bellevue every day, and if that system is in place my impression is that they haven’t turned it on. Our own “Rapids” are hybrids, unlike the natural-gas powered ones in SoCal. They can move along quite well on level ground, but in these parts we have hills. It’s almost painful to be on the “B” as it struggles along NE 8th Street between 405 and Crossroads where the hills are steep and long enough to drain the batteries and the comparatively small diesel engine has to do the rest on its own.

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