March 7th, 2013 by Clark Humphrey

  • Sound-effect words in comics: to ugly-art maestro (and great Washingtonian) Basil Wolverton, they were an art form all their own.
  • The State Legislature could help save Metro Transit. But will it?
  • A Chinese-American family gave a lot of Chinese robes and other objects to the Tacoma Art Museum, hoping they would be a permanent reminder of our region’s ugly racial history. Decades later, the museum’s current management decides to auction them off out-of-state. However, the story’s even more complicated.
  • Mr. Kim Thompson, one of by ex-bosses at Fantagraphics, has lung cancer.
  • The Belltown Business Association’s got a lovely virtual tour of Belltown’s history.
  • It’ll take years to even start getting nuke waste out of Hanford’s leaking tanks. And the sequester’s just slowing the task down a little more.
  • As T-Mobile prepares to digest MetroPCS, the layoffs arrive. Lots of ’em.
  • First, the AOL/Time Warner corporate marriage collapsed. Now, Time Warner itself is splitting up, with the Time Inc. magazines and associated properties sent to fend for themselves.
  • 3D printing has come to custom fashion, of the purportedly “sexy” variety.
  • Ed Wood’s “lost” last film was found this past autumn, in the inventory of a defunct Vancouver porno theater!
  • The “other guy” in the Bill and Ted movies is now a documentary director. (I know, just like anybody with a smartphone-cam these days.)
  • Paul Krugman says progressives shouldn’t worry so much about appearing “respectable.”

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