“Those people were not mindless and they were certainly not cowards. On the contrary, they had sufficiently effective minds braced with an insane courage, and it would pay us mightily to understand where that courage came from.”
“One of the best ways Americans could express atriotism right now would be to trade in their SUVs for high-mileage hybrid cars. (Or get trade in cars
for bikes, buy a buss pass, etc.)
“There is an almost direct line of causality between America’s gluttonous reliance on foreign oil and our current woes. It’s been noted that the catalyst that started Osama bin Laden on his current path was coming home to Saudi Arabia to find a huge contingent of U.S. troops, who were there in preparation for the invasion of Iraq, which Bush pere felt we needed to invade because of… well, you get the idea. It doesn’t take much intellectual candlepower to connect the dots, but that’s apparently more than our current political leadership seems to have.
“America has been on notice since the 1973 oil crisis that we need more prudent policies to foster energy conservation, alternatives and independence. Discussion of such policies has been precisely nowhere in evidence amongst the current din and clamor, which shows just how little we’ve learned over the last 30 years.”