founder Craig Newmark isn’t known as an audio-visual content creator, but he still got to speak (via webcam) during the Podcast Hotel conference at the Triple Door. His topic: Why he believes bloggers and podcasters can help subvert the corporate news media, by bringing “citizen journalism” to large audiences. To his right, NPR Online worker Robert Spier explained that the web site isn’t streaming All Things Considered (it’s in deference to the local affiliates).
Also in attendance at the confab: The legendary former KJR/KUBE DJ Charlie Brown, now in the business of selling PC sound-editing software.
I didn’t learn a whole heckuva lot at the event that I didn’t already know. And I still haven’t committed to creating a MISCcast yet (I’m doing too many under- and un-paid gigs these days). But I met some cool people, and began to fantasize about what any audio adventure of mine might contain.
THE FIRST sign of spring in Belltown–cherry blossoms on First and Second Avenues. Yes, brighter days are ahead.