FIRST, A HEARTY THANX AND A HAT TIP to those who attended and/or participated in our nice midsummer soiree last Friday. We’ll have to do it even bigger and better soon.
SECOND, MANY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS for all who’ve offered ideas re: our plans to redesign and revamp the print MISC. We should have something to announce by the end of this month.
A NEWSPAPER BOX DOWNTOWN was adorned with a less-than-totally-adoring statement from one “STRWBRY GIRL.”
A BELLTOWN CONVENIENCE STORE bears a poster hawking a Korean budget-price cigarette with the slogans “Placing into the Escrow Fund” and “Try Our Full Line of Flavors and Watch Your Income Grow.” What’s more likely to actually grow if you smoke ’em, of course, is a malignant tumor.