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UW geographers combat ‘deepfake’ satellite imagery; county exec Constantine’s got a challenger ‘from the left;’ local vaccine slots go wide open; the incredible shrinking salmon (not just total runs but individual fish).
Loving art depicts shuttered eating/drinking spots; WA’s population boomed in the 2010s (but not enough for an extra US House member); Durkan has ‘herd immunity’ hopes; Native land-return movement gains ground.
Kill Rock Stars, still misunderstood after 30 years; legislature’s sprint to the finish line; Bumbershoot canceled again, buying more time for a reboot; KC sheriff offered to kill internal-watchdog office to placate deputies’ union.
Longtime U District bar doesn’t want new hockey team’s bar to use the same name; vaccine demand still outstrips supply; legislative session hits its hectic last days; DC should still be called DC.
A local studio’s funny YouTube videos carry subtle messages; an Earth Day look into our potential near-future; Seafair goes virtual again this year; a post-Chauvin-case look at our state/local police reform efforts.
Old Seattle ‘redlining’ map and neighborhood descriptions reveal housing racism’s continued legacy; 30 years of ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit;’ WA COVID cases keep surging; excessive-force complaints against SPD are up 170 percent.
New book on local people/land/water interactions and inter-relations over the years; Bezos vows to improve Amazon working conditions; state Senate revives and amends drug-possession ban; it’s getting hot in here.
Local music legends are now namesakes of a sewer-tunnel digging machine; Pierce County gets rolled back to ‘phase 2;’ county exec wants sheriff to resign; Seattle Go Center’s building will be gone.
The former Fisher Mill now houses film/TV studio space; King County’s reopening could re-close if COVID cases keep rising; Gonzaga makes a stunning entry to the NCAA title game; an NCAA women’s-champ team member is from Bellevue and has a somewhat-famous brother.
Art and artists in the age of COVID; City Council committee further cuts back on its initial, small SPD funding-cut plan, the local vaccine supply’s still far short of demand; there are good things to say about Bellevue (just not the things Jon Talton says about it).
The 1918 pandemic’s continuing lessons for our time; a lot more people can get vaccines next month; Jessyn Farrell’s running for mayor again; the likely only real lesson from the Georgia killings.
Research into old photos reveals decades of farm workers’ struggles; Inslee wants all kids back in classrooms at least part-time; decrepit conditions found at a chain of ‘sober housing’ group homes; Tom Douglas’s original restaurant is closing for good.
More looking back at a year of COVID and its societal side effects, while Inslee announces a statewide ‘phase 3’ reopening (including sports fans in stands); King County gets a new ‘homelessness czar’ (maybe).
Microsoft’s weird vision for future VR conferencing; an ex-Sonic’s running for mayor; protesters’ lawsuit against Seattle expands. anti-Asian racism may be why a schoolteacher was attacked on the streets with ‘a rock in a sock.’
Teen musicians practice in plastic isolation booths;Â SAM gets a big-name art donation; we’re the last state to end ‘simple possession’ drug laws; Bellevue will no longer be ‘Dickless.’