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Author David Neiwert’s tales of NW extremism past & present; Rite Aid’s closing another Bartell’s; Seattle population nears 800,000; Rep. Jayapal’s stalker sentenced.
Harrell gives details about his big downtown plan; Elliott Bay Books at 50; TeatroZinZanni’s got a new ex-church ‘residence;’ trans teen’s family sues Premera Blue Cross to pay for top surgery.
An extensive article (in USA Today of all places) on Elijah Lewis’s life and sudden death; why Pride is about ‘joy’ as part of resistance; WA could get another bad wildfire season; beefs with (and within) a homelessness advisory board.
Don’t think Seattle Pride ’23 wasn’t about all the anti-LGBTQ threats; R Place building to become another dance club; Carmen Best won’t discuss her 2020 actions; what the Russian maybe-coup-attempt was or wasn’t about.
Connecting Native American spirituality and ‘MST3K;’ City Council may try another ‘new war on drugs’ bill; Portland passes ‘daytime camping’ ban; Apple’s forthcoming VR headset: threat or menace?
Club-night promoters try for ‘safer space’ policy; Chinatown-Intl. District declared ‘endangered;’ Weyerhaeuser HQ workers told to come back on-site; what might be behind the big supermarket-takeover plan.
Kent church parking lot turned into community garden; street clock moving crew damages roof of Westlake transit station; it’s back-to-the-office day at Amazon; more horrid shootings.
Bartell Drugs’ oldest store suddenly closed; Legislature passes weakened ‘missing middle housing’ bill; some Amazon offices aren’t ready for workers to come back; progressive groups ask Starbucks to accept unions.
Exhibit shows how I-5 construction decimated part of the Chinatown-International District; ‘transit-oriented’ housing bill watered down; Costco reports slowing sales growth; West Seattle’s Yen Wor Village dive bar closes.
Art/music/DJ space opens in a Ballard storage building; Inslee has the state stock up on one ‘abortion drug;’ why local homelessness persists after all these years; Jon Shirley and the Paul Allen Foundation donate big on the arts.
The simple beauty of ‘soul chains;’ social-housing initiative passes, now what?; federal judge says Starbucks can’t fire union organizers; should Alaska chinook-salmon fishing be banned to save the orcas?
Remembering cartoonist Michael Dougan; Xbox ‘sleep’ mode and absurd conspiracy theorists; Sawant attacks caste-based discrimination against some South Asians in Seattle; activist running for Sawant’s seat.
Kshama Sawant to depart from City Council to start a national leftist org; ‘wealth tax’ proposed again in Legislature; MS hosted a private Sting concert in Davos before announcing big layoffs; bankrupt Regal Cinemas chain closing its downtown Seattle 16-plex.
Mourning ‘outsider artist’ Gregory Blackstock, Screaming Trees cofounder Van Conner, and author Jonathan Raban; Grand Illusion Cinema could be razed in two years; Microsoft confirms 10,000 worldwide layoffs.
Two local productions address race & the theater world; Amazon fires workers hired to handle worker complaints; ‘Niketown’ shutting down; can a movie’s killer robot be a Seattle gay-camp icon?