from thelmagazine.com
There’s bad news today for the book snobs out there.
(You know, the droning turned-up-nose guys who love to whine that Nobody Reads Anymore, except of course for themselves and their own pure little subculture.)
Turns out, according to a study co-sponsored by two industry groups, book sales are actually up over the past three years!
Yes, even during this current economic blah-blah-blah!
Ebook sales have particularly exploded.
But regular dead-tree volumes are also up; except for mass market paperbacks (perhaps the most vulnerable category to the ebook revolution).
Adult fiction sales rose 8.8 percent from early ’08 to late ’10. Also doing well, according to the NYT story about the study: “Juvenile books, which include the current young-adult craze for paranormal and dystopian fiction….” (Good news for people who love bad news, to quote a Modest Mouse CD.)
Oh, as for that other commercial communications medium? You know, the medium that the book snobs call their sworn enemy?
The AP headline says it all: “Pay TV industry loses record number of subscribers.”
Has the above inspired you to get with the program, hop on the bandwagon, follow the fad, and start buying some more books for your very own?
I have a great little starter number, just for you.