April 23rd, 2012 by Clark Humphrey


  • Margarita flavored Bud Light: sign of the apocalypse #6 or #7?
  • Winning bids for the state liquor stores (or rather, for the right to apply for licenses, negotiate leases, and take over inventory at the stores) are now in. Individual winners have apparently not yet been posted anywhere, but the store at 12th Avenue and East Pine Street went for a cool half million. The state’s total take (should all the sales go through): over $30 million, more than four times estimates reported just last Friday.
  • Yesterday, we mentioned how Deluxe Junk, the lovely vintage everything store that’s one of the last remnants of “Fremont funk.” faced a sudden eviction by the Masonic lodge that owns its building. Apparently there’s a settlement; alas, Deluxe Junk will still leave the premises, at the end of June.
  • The Real Change folks will get their protest camp in Westlake Park after all.
  • One little-publicized event at the big Space Needle anniversary gala: a protest by Needle restaurant workers.
  • The Canucks have made sure there won’t be riots in the Vancouver streets this June.
  • Here’s a long, loving profile of ex-Seattleite and comix genius Lynda Barry.
  • Google and Facebook: They’re hot now, but could they stumble as computing goes mobile?
  • Author Michael J. Sandel places blame for the market-ization of almost all of western society. He says the economists did it.
  • Paul Krugman blasts Romney, assuredly not for the last time.
  • A Georgetown prof really dislikes the Facebook-spawned overuse of the verb “Like.”
  • Toby Litt in Granta wonders whether long-form literature can hold an audience, or even be considered relevant, in an age of multitasking and incessant distraction. I say bah. Folks who can finish umpteen-level video games or watch entire TV-show seasons in one weekend can enjoy a story of a few hundred pages.
  • Sorry, but I can’t trust any list of the “ten most harmful novels for aspiring writers” that excludes Bukowski.
  • The top black women’s magazine hired a white guy as managing editor. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, that he turned out to be a not-so-secret racist wingnut.
  • Steven Pearlstein reminds you that some politicians actually want you to be turned off from politics. Remember: Not voting = voting a straight right-wing ticket.
  • Making stuff in China will cease being cheap sooner or later. China’s other outsourcing advantages might remain (lax environmental enforcement, autocratic government, brutal suppression of dissent).
  • TV ratings, both broadcast and cable, are way down, especially among younger viewers, and especially in terms of “real time” viewing (i.e., without DVRs; i.e., with the commercials). The hardcore TV haters will naturally ignore this, and will continue to insist that Everyone Except Them is a vidiot sheeple.

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