December 26th, 2012 by Clark Humphrey

'he-man and she-ra: a christmas special,' part of the festivities at siff film center on xmas eve

And a dreadful sorry for not posting in the last 12 days.

What I’ve been up to: Not much. Just wallowing in the ol’ clinical depression again over my first mom-less Xmas, trying to figure out how the heck I’m gonna pay January’s rent.

(For those of you who came in late, I’m not independently wealthy despite the old rumors; a few little local photo books don’t earn anything near a decent living; and my eternal search for a little ol’ paying day job has gone nowhere slowly.)

But I have vowed to stay at it. And there will be new MISCmedia products in the new year.

And, as always, it’s the time of year for MISCmedia’s annual In/Out List, the only accurate guide to what will become hot and not-so-hot in the coming 12 months. Send in your suggestions now.

On with the accumulated random links:

5 Responses  
  • Angiportus writes:
    December 28th, 20126:20 pmat

    I feared you might be struggling with something serious. I hope you can find help with it–soon. I have been thru the non-clinical kind and wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
    Slate.com is looking for a tech writer. Is that something you can do?

  • Angiportus writes:
    December 28th, 20126:22 pmat

    I forgot to add that I find He-man and She-ra extremely grotesque–aside from their looking like 2 different species, the action figure of the former was so top-heavy I didn’t see how it could stand up.
    Thanks for all the links, as usual.

  • Clark Humphrey writes:
    December 31st, 201212:47 pmat

    If they don’t expect me to have programming experience, yeah. I could do that and do it damned well.

  • Clark Humphrey writes:
    January 1st, 20131:26 pmat

    Now I’ve looked at the Slate jobs page. They only seem to want “interns and programmers.” Just like all the dotcoms.

  • ArtFart writes:
    January 3rd, 20131:28 pmat


    Perhaps somewhat apropos to the thought that you have plenty of company going through tough times, I’ll propose this suggestion for the “in/out” list:

    OUT: Sliders
    IN: Grilled Cheese

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