September 20th, 2010 by Clark Humphrey

“A smart heroin addict is still a heroin addict.”

A Facebook correspondent said that to me, after I rebutted his anti-television screed.

But that’s not what I’m writing about today.

I’m writing to confess something.

Yes, I am an addict.

Specifically, I am addicted to what members of certain online message boards call “stim.”

That’s short for “stimuli.”

In my case, for a broad array of mental/emotional stimuli.

Among many other things, I am addicted to:

  • The beat and the chords and the melody of a great pop song.
  • The urgency of news headlines, as delivered in any medium.
  • The telegraph-inspired urgency of old network radio “news on the hour” themes.
  • The scrolling headlines and stock tickers on cable news channels.
  • The wild juxtapositions of time/space/narrative in an old newspaper.
  • The similar juxtapositions in a well-curated blog.
  • The sound of a phonograph needle hitting the scratchy outer groove of a vinyl record.
  • The frenetic beauty of a Merrie Melodies cartoon.
  • The typography and design of old magazines and newspapers.
  • The look and build of an old building, even one that was considered ordinary in its time.
  • The all-out attempts at persuasion seen in old advertisements, pamphlets, political badges, and printed pop ephemera of all types.
  • The glow of a neon sign; the stasis of its daylight background base.
  • The noise, beats, sights, and smells of many industrial processes (including those that were sampled in the Dancer in the Dark soundtrack).
  • The poignancy of urban decay, of streets and structures whose once-noble aspirations have faded with time.
  • The “instant insight” of a well turned phrase.
  • The “gotcha” moment of a particularly awful pun.
  • The sight of a female figure, revealed in artistic, alluring, and/or fun ways.
  • All of the sounds, touches, tastes, and scents associated with heterosexual pleasure.
  • A sugar rush.
  • A caffeine rush.
  • The sated feeling after a big meal.
  • The exotic thrill of a foreign film, particularly a foreign mass-entertainment film. The song-and-dance spectacles of Bollywood, in which generalized sensuality triumphs over sexual prudery. The audacious blare of an Italian “giallo” soundtrack. The milieu of early British Hitchcock films, just foreign enough to unsettle.

Strangely enough, several genres and industries designed wholly around “stim” don’t particularly enthrall me. Casino gambling; modern video games; big budget special effects movies—I just don’t respond to ’em.

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