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‘Cambodian Rock Band’ musical mixes ‘buoyant’ music & historic tragedy; Manuel Ellis’s mother claims ‘intimidation’ as police trial continues; UW Ph.D grad killed in Israel-Hamas conflict; Comcast bumps Root Sports from basic cable.
Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team honored in new documentary; city loses on millions in expired traffic tickets; why a work-from-home activist had to quit Amazon; Seattle Parks Dept. threatens to replace BLM Memorial Garden.
Ex-local actor wears 8th Generation garb on a major magazine cover; grocery mega-merger scheme could go to court; why Alaska snow-crab season was canceled; do you have to be old to be a ‘true Seattleite’?
Megan Rapinoe’s big career finale, and other major local goings-away; the controversy (and limits) of AI-generated prose; Manny Ellis’s family speaks out at trial of officers who killed him.
BC artist drops Bezos’ face(s) into a Rembrandt scene; Constantine seeks sales-tax hike for arts groups; Kaiser Permanente workers striking for three days; more gay men can now donate blood.
New ‘Frasier’ has even less to do with Seattle than the old one; state’s car-crash deaths soar; Grubhub settles with city over underpaid sick time; Kaiser Permanente workers may go on strike today.
USPS picks local artist for Hispanic Heritage stamp; cop who laughed at Kandula death taken off the streets; FTC suit says Amazon has a ‘secret pricing algorithm;’ judge cites Starbucks for underpaying unionized workers.
Metro’s new buses will bear new colors; locals tell Fox News that Seattle’s all right after all; FTC suit could define Amazon’s post-Bezos era; calling out Target on its ‘crime’ excuse for closing two small stores.
Yakima Hispanic trio’s breakthrough; Harrell budget plan doesn’t address predicted funding crunch; FTC & 17 states sue Amazon for anti-competitive practices; turning crab shells into ‘useful chemicals.’
Online game simulates a very-real war zone; Ann Davison wants OK to sweep encampments without promising shelter; 3rd Ave. could get high-rise rezoning; lawsuit cites birth defects among Boeing Everett workers.
Beloved bartender Murray Stenson RIP; ‘Justice for Jaahnavi’ activists march to SPOG HQ; Duwamish cleanup could cost a billion (will Boeing pay its fair share?); the rainy season’s arrived.
Centennial of ‘No-No Boy’ novelist John Okada; Microsoft to infuse AI into Windows and other products; ‘could selling sewage save the Salish Sea?;’ heavy rain possible next week.
Tacoma’s Almond Roca neon sign re-created; Harrell signs, extols new drug law; Snohomish novelty candle maker sues Fla. imitator, wins; local COVID cases creeping back up.
Comic depicts unhoused woman’s struggles, as an ambitious housing program ends; City Council approves new ‘drug war’ bill; city workers rally for a fair new contract; could Microsoft buy Nintendo?
Nighttime video-art installation at City Hall Park; why some places with more poverty don’t have more homelessness; why people don’t get needed mental-health treatment; do you trust SPD to fairly enforce a new drug law?