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In your big weekend MISCmedia MAIL: Local Cold War nostalgia; a local CEO sued for assault; the city’s latest big upzone plan (still) omits most single-family zones; anti-encampment fence put up at Spokane Street.
We start a new month, and with it one year to save America from its ‘saviors’. Other topics today: making local history less white; Olympia’s ‘old boys’ club’ and its discontents; big kudos for the local lit scene.
On this day of sorrows, we discuss a VR ‘experience’ with a message; deadly street pills; and whether this latest sick tragedy will FINALLY lead to action.
In your big weekend MISCmedia MAIL: Origami litter in Seattle parks explained; GeekGirlCon lives again; should Sodo be razed for offices?; can a methanol plant be eco-friendly?
PARK(ing) Day is here again, and talk radio just complains about the precious car spaces being taken over for temporary human use. Our big weekend newsletter also mentions black guys who like Jenny Durkan and a white guy who doesn’t; a teen convicted for “sexting” (but with complicating circumstances); goats becoming un-welcome in Olympic National Park; and the “priorities” for Bruce Harrell’s mayor-ship (which could end today).
The Boeing-built lunar rovers are still on the moon; should we move to legally protect them from anyone who might show up to trash them? We also view local reactions to the trans-soldier ban; two new attacks against Evergreen State (one more absurd than the other); a venerable used-book palace going away; and the demise of a cartoon-voice legend.
We start MISCmedia MAIL today with a talk on the need to dance, unite, and celebrate oneself. Also: Nick Hanauer’s warning to “my fellow plutocrats”; a (probable) deal for the ex-Public Safety block at last; why the West Point sewer plant really broke down; and Bill Gates’s misadventures in hoteliering (is that a word? Probably not).
In Monday’s MISCmedia MAIL: Today will likely see the start of the legal skirmishes to either confirm or reject Seattle’s proposed municipal income tax. Also: Jay Inslee as a “demo singer” for the Dems’ campaign points; more doubts about the state budget deal; another anti-trans “bathroom bill” fails; and the Rep planning a grunge musical.
With summer finally, officially, among us, the hot-hot-hotness is due to arrive. And MISCmedia MAIL discusses more fallout from the Charleena Lyles shooting; the anniversary of the first foreign attack on the US mainland in WWII (in our state); still no progress in the state-budget stalemate; and what it means to be “Seattle-ready.”
Wednesday’s MISCmedia MAIL doesn’t know any more than you about the sudden closure of the classic Guild 45th and Seven Gables cinemas. We do know a little about another police-brutality settlement; the International District’s “upzone” moving forward; what white liberals don’t “get” about the whole Evergreen State College to-do; and our big, boistrous birthday party (tomorrow, Thursday 6/8/17, at the tony Two Bells!).
Wednesday’s MISCmedia MAIL starts with a great honor for one of my fave cartoonist/novelist/playwrights. It goes on to mention the “dirty” aspect of cleaning up Lake Washington; big-big plans for the UW; the apparent end to one of our era’s most famous couples; and five years after the Cafe Racer slayings (so many senseless slayings ago).
In your big holiday-weekend MISCmedia MAIL: The Pike Place Market’s new part, or at least part of that new part, is now open; Folklife’s last hurrah?; the White House hates rail transit and old people getting jobs; Nike’s overseas labor policies are back in the news; and gazillions of weekend activity listings.
Ed Murray’s out—or rather he will be out as mayor, in December. ‘Til then, he’s here-but-not-here. We also look today at a big scare at Hanford; a women’s shelter getting a big donation; just how big microbeers are here; and Steve Jobs: the Opera.
Your big weekend e-missive begins with an unexpected (but not undeserved) honor for one of our state’s greatest. We continue on to mention more mayoral-race and Murray-case developments; stories of people caught up in the big anti-immigrant scares; the close of the Burlington shooter’s sad life story; and the reasons we need Earth Day and the March for Science.
Alas, handing cans of Pepsi to cops at protests probably won’t save the world. Shocking, I know. But there are more realistic topics to discuss today, including nice Canadians having border trouble; a plea to try and get more “affordable” units under the HALA plan; physicians saving refugees from being sent home to die; and Amazon vs. the Girl Scouts.