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Another special weekend edition full of virus-related (more or less) headlines, plus more pictures of a city forced to go on hold.
Pictures from a bustling place gone almost still; losing a beloved Leschi neighborhood fixture; unemployment-security requests boom; ‘Tax Amazon’ initiative filed.
One barmaid’s temp-closing words of reassurance; a year without St. Patrick’s Day; Sawant repurposes her ‘Amazon tax’ proposal; Joe Biden wins WA’s Presidential primary.
Local photog’s shots of national & local black ‘luminaries’; city’s LEAD program renewed after all; Expedia lays off hundreds after just moving their offices; we’re the US’s 9th most liberal city.
Protesting the next war at its potential start while Americans of Iranian descent get detained at Blaine; my days with the (now-splintering) Methodists; what NY State promised Amazon for half of HQ2; the Seahawks move forward.
What will emerge and ebb during the twelve months in which many things must change.
A corporate buyout means New Seasons Markets is leaving Seattle; a photographer’s last goodbye to the Viaduct; cops attack anti-fascist protesters at Westlake; Sea-Tac makes rules for facial-recognition scanners.
Northgate’s end days continue; where should surplus soda-tax money go?; more sewage leaks close more beaches; sellers of past-date food to discount groceries are convicted.
The owner who tried to move the Seahawks dies; Pride’s bigger than ever but its cause isn’t done; imagining a made-over Third Avenue; a state Senator accuses fellow Dems of racism and sexism.
BBC Radio spins a yarn about Ballard’s spite house; a fish-saving plan that didn’t get built; the pilots who tried to warn Boeing; a scramble to control the warming Arctic.
The El Corazon nightclub will indeed likely be razed (but not for a while); a Seattle Times reporter‘s accused of sending sexist texts; more 737 MAX revelations; local tech workers of India descent make a bilingual Seattle film.
A Seattle writer’s tribute to a pre-surrealist Vancouver photographer; the city’s top judge is accused of biased sentencing; Boeing’s financial bad news; Northgate’s lonely last days.
Viaduct demolition’s just as noisy as expected; more Amazon-snubs-NY fallout; U Way merchants don’t want upzones; Heidi Wills wants back on the City Council.
The Viaduct’s end becomes a big cruisin’ scene; KIRO-FM ‘talk bros’ axed; the Legislature starts minus one embattled member; why the Bezos’ split was announced when it was; the Seattle music scene’s founding mother dies.
The city and WSDOT apparently expected a calm, orderly shutdown to the Alaskan Way Viaduct at 10 p.m. Friday night.
What happened instead was a big, popular, slow-speed cruisin’ scene. Thousands came to pay their last respects to the doomed scenic waterfront roadway. There were cars, trucks, at least one semi, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
It was after 10:25 when crews finally put up the barricades at the Viaduct’s northern on-ramps. The northbound cruise continued for more than another hour.
The official last civilian vehicle on the Viaduct was a stalled car, that had to be pushed by a cop car.