1/1/25: 2025 (OR 6 TO 4)
Jan 1st, 2025 by Clark Humphrey

The Ins and Outs for the resistance-centric year ahead.

Dec 19th, 2023 by Clark Humphrey

Art installation juxtaposes items of the ancient and recent past; AI art banned from Dungeons & Dragons; reiterating why Bartell’s is really shrinking; what Seattle can learn from Cleveland (really!).

1/2/23: SKIDOO-ING INTO ’23
Jan 1st, 2023 by Clark Humphrey

The innies and outies for a prime-number year.

Dec 31st, 2021 by Clark Humphrey

What will become hotter and lukewarmer during the coming 365.

12/24/20: AIR, WORTHY
Dec 23rd, 2020 by Clark Humphrey

Alaska Airlines’ suddenly popular ‘Safety Dance’ ad; Cal Anderson Park ‘reopens;’ an obscure part of the federal relief bill could threaten live-streaming; a holiday message for our time.

Dec 31st, 2019 by Clark Humphrey

What will emerge and ebb during the twelve months in which many things must change.

Jan 1st, 2018 by Clark Humphrey

It’s the year when all the kids conceived at the dawn of the millennium reach voting age. And for the 32nd consecutive year, we humbly offer the MISCmedia In/Out List, the most trusted (and only accurate) list of its kind in this and all other media formats now or yet to be invented.

As always, this list compiles what will become ferved and frigid within the coming year, not necessarily what’s ferved and frigid now. If you believe everything hot now will just keep getting hotter, I’ve got some Sears stock to sell you.

Roseanne reboot She-Ra reboot
“Athleisure” wear Rompers for men
Rokurokubi Unicorns
Vimeo Instagram
Co-op broadband Comcast
Mauve (back from OUT in ’16) Goldenrod
Party dresses Trench dresses
E-sports “Influencer marketing”
DuckTales Teen Titans Go! (still)
Socializing Social media
Thunderpussy Ed Sheeran
Orators Trolls
Barter Cryptocurrency
Gary Oldman Mark Wahlberg
“Activated” “Woke”
Sustainability Luxury
DADUs Townhomes
NHK World BBC America
Compassion “Winning”
Restoring democracy ”Bipartisan” capitulation
Locavores Ovo-Lacto-Pisco
Everett (at last) Duvall
“Ground game” organizing $300-a-plate fundraising
Pies Ice cream
Cafe Racer comeback 13 Coins move
Ramen Poke
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Curb Your Enthusiasm
Weird fiction Dystopias
Tiffany Haddish Naomi Watts
Artists ”Creatives”
Online subscriptions ”Pivot to video”
Aging Anti-aging
”Evidence based” ”Weaponizing”
Wabi Sabe Hygge
Curtis Sittenfeld Dan Brown
Robert Mueller Stephen Miller
Barrel-aged cocktails ”Raw water”
Jordan Peele Michael Bay
Ren Hoek Kylo Ren
NHL in Seattle NFL in London

And here’s the link to another such list, not so much competing as complementary, by Seattle’s own clown princess of diva decadence Dina Martina.

Jan 1st, 2017 by Clark Humphrey

To start things off for the year so big they named a teen magazine after it, and for the 31st consecutive year (really!), we proudly present the MISCmedia In/Out List, the most trusted (and only accurate) list of its kind in this and all other known content platforms.

As always, this list compiles what will become torrid and tepid in the coming year, not necessarily what’s torrid and tepid now. If you believe everything hot now will just keep getting hotter, I’ve got some Samsung 7 phones to sell you.

HALA “Just trust the free market”
“Intersectionality” “Lefter than thou”
Black dresses Brown shirts
Resistance Submission
Poke Pokémon Go
Shawls “Luxury leggings”
Teddy Ruxpin revival Hatchimals
NES Classic Edition “Call of Duty”
Joachim Trier Roland Emmerich
Dev Patel Brad Pitt
Ruth Negga (Loving) Mila Kunis
“Dusky blue” “Mineral gray”
Interdependence Isolation
Black-ish The OA
Superstore (the sitcom) Real superstores
Lindy West Michael Medved
Helen Oyeyemi Ian McEwan
Scandinavian films DC Cinematic Universe
Gnomes Trolls
UW women’s basketball UFC
Obsidian Rose gold
Cuban style pork Nashville hot chicken
The Malady of Sevendials Twenty One Pilots
John Oliver Jimmy Fallon
Westland Distillery Weed-infused alcohol
First Avenue streetcar Drones
Sparkling Ice (still) La Croix
Meghan Trainor (the artist) Meghan Trainor (the singer)
“Warren warriors” “Bernie bros”
Tacoma Portland
Teen Vogue National Enquirer (even to laugh at)
Real-life socializing Facebook Live
Eyebrow tattoos Tramp stamps
Twin Peaks revival Gilmore Girls revival
“Rage rooms” “Escape rooms”
Lumpia Buddha bowls
Honest information Emotional manipulation
Populism (real) Populism (fake)
Permanent housing for the homeless Temporary “rapid rehousing”
“Crooked Donald” reality “Crooked Hillary” myth
MISCmedia MAIL for 1/4/16
Jan 3rd, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

The work year begins and so does MISCmedia MAIL, with: white gunmen get not to be called “terrorists;” the region’s oldest gay bar quietly disappears; a Seahawks triumph; and what will Jim McDermott do?

Jan 1st, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

new years 2016 z

Would you believe, this is the thirtieth MISCmedia In/Out List? Well, it is.

As we prepare to begin the pearl-anniversary year of this adventure in punditry, we present yet another edition of the most trusted (and only accurate) list of its kind in this and all other known media.

As always, this list compiles what will become sizzling and soggy in the coming year, not necessarily what’s sizzling and soggy now. If you believe everything hot now will just keep getting hotter, I’ve got some Sears stock to sell you.

Saving KPLU Saving the Seattle Times
Turquoise Mauve
Spinach Kale
Hollow Earth Radio/KHUH KIRO-FM
“Black Lives Matter” Macho anarchists
Empathy Superiority
Gents Bros
Stopping Trumpism Treating Trump as a joke
Taking back Congress Merely keeping the White House
Ta-Nehisi Coates David Brooks
Storytelling “Branding”
Mismatched plaid separates Striped socks
High-speed rail Hoverboards
Fewer cars “Greener” cars
Fiat (still) VW
We Bare Bears Teen Titans Go!
Juxtapoz Erotica Censored Playboy
Hillman City Ballard (alas)
Lalaloopsy Minions
Searching for solutions together “You figure that part out, I’m just sayin'”
Issa Rae Zooey Deschanel
Michael Fassbender Will Farrell
“Genderqueer” movement “Men’s rights activists”
Exciting machines Boring machines
Real virtue Virtual Reality
Granny shoes Skinny jeans
Justin Trudeau Justin Bieber (duh)
Sia Zac Brown
Light rail to Husky Stadium Parking downtown
Hydrox cookies comeback Crystal Pepsi comeback
Monkey Shoulder Wild Turkey
Milk stout Bud-owned microbrews
“Homey” “Artisinal”
Citizens “Stakeholders”
Uniqlo Gap
Bellingham Bellevue
Back-yard cottages “Tiny homes” in the far countryside
Millennials as defiant activists Millennials as selfish slackers
El Borracho Chipotle (duh)
Guy Maddin J.J. Abrams
Permanent progressive movements Only showing up in election years
Wisdom Data
“Snap!” “YOLO”
Moving the world forward “Taking America back”
MISCmedia MAIL for 12/16/15
Dec 15th, 2015 by Clark Humphrey

Our midweek report includes: Paul Allen’s real-estate tentacles reaching into the Central District; the potential return of Ride the Ducks; the fate of Skyway’s mountain of concrete scrap; photos by homeless gay youth; and Boeing old-timers missing its old corporate culture.

Jan 2nd, 2015 by Clark Humphrey

this year's space needle fireworks were sponsored by t-mobile and heavily emphasized the color 't-mobile magenta.'

As promised previously, MISCmedia is back for two-ought-one-five with a new commitment to try and make sense (or at least document the nonsense) of Life in the Demitasse Size City.

To start things off, and for the 29th consecutive year (really!), we proudly present the MISCmedia In/Out List, the most trusted (and only accurate) list of its kind in this and all other known media relay systems.

As always, this list operates under the premise that the future is not necessarily linear. It compiles what will become torrid and tepid in the coming year, not necessarily what’s torrid and tepid now. If you believe everything hot now will just keep getting hotter, I’ve got some RadioShack stock to sell you.

Bratwurst Ice cream
Saving affordable housing Saving sandwich shops
Amazon as profitless, fragile giant Amazon as omnipotent leviathan
“Phablets” Apple Watch
Fully independent publishing Kindle Unlimited
Fully independent cinema Marvel Cinematic Universe
Ronan Farrow Michael Smerconish
Journalism Clickbait
Furniture Girls Taylor Swift
“Selfie sticks” Facebook food pictures
Euro-socialist revival GOP revival
Cardless payments Kardashians (still)
Dyed armpit hair Lululemon
“Black lives matter” “I’m not racist, but…”
Streaming TV Streaming music
Shoreline White Center
Cheap oil as climate threat Cheap oil as economic blessing
Forest green Taupe
Art Basel Burning Man
Compassion “Non-apologies”
Fiat Google drone car
Women Who Code “Brogrammers”
Cards Against Humanity Candy Crush
Human rights for Cuba New cars for Cuba
Tessa Thompson (Dear White People) Jessica Alba
Tiny houses Charter schools
Legalizing/protecting sex workers Banning protests
Vox Daily Currant
Tucson Austin
Four Roses Fireball
Chris Pratt Seth Rogan
Funky weirdness Soulless “luxury”
Mariners comeback UW football comeback
Insulting Russia Insulting North Korea
Treasure hunts Private “event spaces”
Fried chicken Bacon
Bakugan Minecraft
Ending the waterfront tunnel Closing movie theaters
“Sweetums” “Bae”
Dec 24th, 2014 by Clark Humphrey

frederick & nelson christmas display, via 'patricksmercy' on flickr and sandra bolton on pinterest

I’ve not been in the mood to make blog posts for the longest time.

The mood I’ve been in has been something other than the positive, assertive persona I’ve maintained in the blog and its print precursors over the years.

Besides, the ultra luxury-obsessed, alpha-techie ruled city that is much of modern-day Seattle is, in many aspects, so different from the funky, spunky, and, yes, grungy city I had known and loved. To truly cover the “pulse” of such a place, one would need to care about hedge-fund-financed dotcoms and hundred-dollar-a-plate bistros a helluva lot more than I ever will.


And then there’s the matter of trying to convince people, even long standing acquaintances, that I need a job.

NOT an idea for something to write about, but a job.

NOT an unpaid writing “opportunity” for a commercial website, but a job.

It doesn’t have to be “writing” work, just paying work.

I’ve told this to everyone, sometimes repeatedly.

But some people I’d known for years didn’t get it.

They seemed to believe that, since they had identified me as “a writer,” all I needed was to “write” all the time.

(“Don’t worry about the money,” one dude sincerely exhorted me one evening, after I’d almost lost my second apartment in one year.)

The only way I thought I could convince these folks that I needed actual monetary income, not sub-minimum-wage (or, worse, “for the exposure”) freelance crap, was by ceasing to “be a writer.”

It didn’t really work. Either at convincing these well-meaning but ignorant folk, or at getting me a real for-the-money job. (I have gotten a long-term-temp, part-time dishwashing gig, but that’s it.)

So I’m quitting the quitting.


Actually, I have been posting on so-called “social media” sites all this time. I like the knowledge that someone’s at least reading my stuff when I post it there.

But the MISCmedia site, I promise for real this time, will be back in full force in Two Ought One Five.

I’ve got a major publishing project in the works (still), and a plan to revamp the site into a daily local news “aggregation” and commentary source (still).


But we’ll start the year, as we always have, with the mellifluous MISCmedia In/Out List, always the most accurate list of its type seen anywhere at any time.

And, as always, we need YOUR input to make it happen.

In the comments box below, please recommend what will become hotter and less-hot in the twelve months to come, in the fields of music, fashion, food/drink, the arts, architecture, socio-political trends, etc. etc.

The list’s simple rules, as always:

  1. For every OUT there has to be a corresponding IN. These two can be related directly, or simply by clever wordplay.
  2. Remember, the future isn’t always linear. What’s hot today might not keep getting hotter tomorrow.

Good luck, and good predicting.

Jan 4th, 2014 by Clark Humphrey

For the 28th consecutive year (really!), we proudly present the MISCmedia In/Out List, the most venerable (and only accurate) list of its kind in this and all other known solar systems. As always, this is a prediction of what will become hot and not-so-hot in the coming year, not necessarily what’s hot and not-so-hot now. If you believe everything hot now will just keep getting hotter, I’ve got some BlackBerry stock to sell you.

Da Vinci’s Inquest Da Vinci’s Demons
Lorde Lard
Mead Gin
Tapatio Sriracha
“Fewer” “Less”
WordPress Flash
CBS This Morning 60 Minutes
Alex Trebek retirement Jay Leno retirement
Baltimore Miami
“Relevant” “Viral”
Margot Robbie (The Wolf of Wall Street) Kristen Stewart
Kacey Musgraves Brad Paisley
Formica Granite
Plum Silver frost
Oscar Isaac Johnny Depp
Mini-tacos Chicken wings
Fly Moon Royalty Robin Thicke
Saving Scarecrow Video Saving the Seattle Times
DailyKos.com Upworthy.com
Bare midriffs “Designer grunge” revival
Voting-rights defenders White people who claim “racism is over”
Elizabeth Warren “Politics by hashtag”
Venice Paris
Burien Bainbridge
Worker rights Working for “the exposure”
End of movies shown on film End of incandescent light bulbs
Games for all ages/sexes/races Macho-asshole “gamer culture”
“You better WORK!” “Because (noun)”
Erin Morgenstern Charlaine Harris
Raising the minimum wage Cutting corporate taxes
NHL in Seattle NBA back in Seattle
Binge viewing Crash dieting
Bolt Bus Airline mergers
Single-payer HMOs
Seahawks 49ers
Girls (still) Dads
Misfits Kardashians
Lovers “Winners”
“-esque” “-ski”
Dec 16th, 2013 by Clark Humphrey

Due to some wonderful donations from you loyal readers, MISCmedia.com lives for another year.

And it’s time for our annual tradition, unmissed since the pre-online days of 1986: Our annual In/Out List. As always, this list predicts what will become hot and not-so-hot in the coming year, in any category you can imagine (except the really boring categories such as drugs and porn).

Get your suggestions in via our handy dandy comment thread or by email to clark (at) miscmedia dot com.

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© Copyright 1986-2025 Clark Humphrey (clark (at) miscmedia (dotcom)).