MISCmedia MAIL for 9/26/16
Sep 25th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

The big book party was such a success, we might hold another. (Watch this space for particulars.) For now, though, it’s back to the daily grind of local news digestin’, which this day includes some allegedly tacky actions by exhibit organizers against two Af-Am artists; a concept to help the environment by re-opening coal mines (?); a video game set at a space station called “Tacoma”; and lotsa local sports wins.

Sep 22nd, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

One of Seattle’s last indie pharmacies will soon reach its expiration date with no refills. We speak as well about a UW minimum-wage analyst’s alleged conflict-O-interest; public schools filled to overflowing (again); Marshawn Lynch talking more about social justice than about his own business ventures; another potential Boeing “tax windfall”; and the Storm season’s sudden end.

MISCmedia MAIL for 9/21/16: ON TRACK?
Sep 20th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

Regional politicians proposed a far better idea than an all-robocar lane on I-5: hi-speed rail from here to Vancouver. Additional subjects in our e-missive include the state’s still-unreformed foster care system; blame placed for the Greenwood gas explosion; a hope to one day “re-program” cancer cells; a coming exhibit on Seattle’s food history; and whales vs. whales off Vancouver Island.

MISCmedia MAIL for 9/20/16: THE I-5 JIVE
Sep 19th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

Drone-car proponents want those to eventually be the only vehicles allowed on I-5 from here to the border. (There aren’t enough of the things in existence now to even fill one lane of it, but who’s counting?) More practical topics this day include the predicted “secure scheduling” victory; lessons (un)learned from the last opiate crisis; an upscale bicycle “clubhouse” for the ex-Bauhaus corner; a defense of “transitional” housing; and childhood memories of America’s last logging camp.

Sep 18th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

Organizers of an “ethnic role models” event at John Muir Elementary weren’t wiling to let a school district-issued “cancellation” notice stop ’em. We additionally examine lawmakers who get campaign $ from Big Pharma while officially denouncing prescription-opioid abuse; folks who want to stop the gigantic Convention Center expansion; a new concept in short- and medium-term residential rentals for techies who might be fired next year; and sports victories for all but the Seahawks.

MISCmedia MAIL for 9/16/16: BUNKER BLOCKED?
Sep 15th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

That fancy new police building folks have rallied against? Sent back for further review. Among other topics this day: Loving portraits of GLBT Mormons; whether the police really needed to shoot Che Taylor; still more Chinese speculation money in Seattle real estate; the usual many, many weekend event listings; and a weird idea to give homeless folks “non-monetary donations” online.

MISCmedia MAIL for 9/15/16: GOING NATURAL?
Sep 14th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

We ponder what Seattle would look like without all the dredgings, regrades, and other extreme makeovers it’s had. We also explore folk turning odd spots into community gardens; a protest against holding babies in immigration jails; an innovative tech-ed program that’s threatened by redevelopment; and, oh yeah, the amazin’ Ms.

MISCmedia MAIL for 9/14/16: THIS ‘SHIP’ SHALL SINK
Sep 13th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

We say an early farewell to a once funky building that became bland and will now become gone. Additional observation topics include a drive to oust Spokane’s mayor; a GOP Legislator who would force cities to raze homeless camps; a farm-labor victory in Skagit County; Aberdeen students fighting for the right to look, well, grungy; and Nike putting ugly uniforms on football teams that aren’t the Ducks.

MISCmedia MAIL for 9/13/16: THE HOT 100
Sep 12th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

We begin with three lists totaling 100 all-time Northwest indie-rock records. We continue from there with (alas) false state-income-tax allegations; anti-Muslim bigotry hitting home; what the costly homelessness consultant didn’t directly look into; a former “Drunk of the Week” (or was she?) suing; and the Mariners’ streak continuing.

Sep 11th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

The Seahawks failed to (1) lose, and (2) fuel the ire of neo-racist hate mongers. Other topics of inquiry this day include unfortunate decor at the current North Precinct building; the anniversary of John Williams’ shooting; more banter about what hi-paid consultants said about homelessness; potential justice for “adjunct” college teachers; and a beloved restaurant coming to Seattle from exotic Fife.

Sep 8th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

What to do about homelessness? I know, let’s hire a high-priced consultant who’ll ignore encampments, addictions, and mental illness issues, and who’ll just call for lots of subsidies to private developers! Other topics today include the world’s largest ice cube (that doesn’t star in any Friday movies), how one South Lake Union legacy business survives; a odd-couple marriage in the art world; and very little about the 9/11 anniversary.

MISCmedia MAIL for 9/30/16: TWO KINDS OF STINK
Aug 29th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

A pair of rancid, reeking spectacles have come to the area. One of them is a blooming “corpse flower.” Other headlines this day concern a Heart hubby’s allegedly jerky behavior backstage; the dumbest suggestion for the homeless crisis to date; Idaho survivalist cults unimpressed by civilization’s failure to collapse; and memories of a pioneering black judge.

MISCmedia MAIL for 8/29/16: IT’S HERE (I REPEAT)!
Aug 28th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

I’d mentioned it here on the site (see below), but today I get to tell my newsletter all about my LOSER book reissue finally coming out. Our regular headline fodder features tribal protests against fossil-fuel trains; the Asian Art Museum’s expansion plans; GOP candidates who don’t like that their Presidential nominee’s coming to the area; the loss of an International District activist; and a bad local sports day.

Aug 27th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

So I’ve been hinting, occasionally loudly, about an old book of mine that I’ve been trying to get back out one of these years.

Well, it’s out now.

At this link.

Or at this link.

Get it now. Hope y’all like it.


Oh, there’ll also be an e-book version soon.

And a release party’s in the works, perhaps in October.

And we’re working on getting it into local stores. More on that later.

And if you want a signed copy, contact me direct.

Aug 25th, 2016 by Clark Humphrey

Our big, big LOSER book reissue may “go live” any day now. Not yet, but soon. Real soon. Other people are waiting for a gallery with native American art by a real native American artist to open; to learn whether or not the GOP candidate’s coming to Washington; and to see whether the proposed new anti-“sweeps” legislation comes about. We’ve also got the usual plethora of weekend events.

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