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The latest MISCmedia book (possibly the best yet); how tariffs will hurt big & small business & everybody; state joins lawsuit over federal job cuts; suspect in USPS worker’s murder apparently kills self.
Lidia Yuknavitch’s second (sort-of) memoir; Gold Rush museum could close in selloff of federal properties; tariffs are already hurting many NW businesses; marking five years since the COVID era’s real start.
Memorials to two WA women killed at West Bank protests; White House ‘gleefully’ posts video of detainee flights at Boeing Field; Harrell misses with ‘fake Sonics announcement;’ fatal ‘speeding Tesla’ crash.
Remembering multimedia visionary David Lynch; AI outfit taking over Pier 70; county exec candidates all vow to resist oppressive pressure from DC; MLK Day (oh, and something else) happening Monday.
Local author’s novel about a ‘feral girl’ found in the woods; SPD has one more officer than last year; ‘where the left went wrong on homelessness;’ Canadian pol suggests WA join Canada.
The Ins and Outs for the resistance-centric year ahead.
Remembering a vital music journalist and zine editor; another deadly Boeing plane disaster; Seattle’s oldest restaurant/bar closes tonight; Jimmy Carter’s proud legacy.
Pike Place thrives while most downtown retail doesn’t; will anyone run against Harrell for re-election?; new orca calf spotted in the Sound; my annual Boxing Day sermonette.
Neal Stephenson’s novel ‘Snow Crash’ and its lessons for today; did a ‘Star Wars’ valentine card cost ex-SPD chief Diaz’s job?; cop who ran over Jaahnavi Kandula gets $5,000 fine; feds giving $50 mil toward Cascadia light rail planning.
Local artist’s ‘mysterious’ light sculpture; aftermath of grocery-merger collapse; more Green Hill School workers charged with sexual misconduct; ‘suspicious backpack’ briefly causes East Precinct evacuation.
Do the WTO protests have a lesson for today?; Girmay Zahilay confirms run for county exec; Facebook owes WA $24.6 mil over campaign-ad violations; LIHI says banks demand eviction-law concessions.
Map of Seattle’s ‘heritage trees;’ SPD ‘liaison’ accused of fencing stolen goods; Amazon workers set to protest or strike in several countries; yes, Seattle’s shelter beds are full (or close to it) every night.
Last Sears in WA (one of the last anywhere) closing; Lake Union streetcar lives for now; Amazon joins Musk in trying to kill federal Labor Board; the MAGA cult as a study in target marketing.
Sub Pop’s remastered Gits reissues; Seattle school-board head target of recall drive; local minister/homeless advocate accused of owning child-porn; Ferguson keeps fighting abortion-pill restrictions.
Non-Native-made totem poles returning to Steinbrueck Park; fire devastates Camp Long Lodge; Councilmember Saka wants Lake Union Streetcar gone; county exec Constantine decides four terms are enough.